K-Electric Consumers

Nepra Notifies Power Tariff Increase Up To Rs 3.76 Per Unit

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority has notified the power tariff increase of up to Rs 3.76 per unit from the consumers on account of quarterly adjustment .

In pursuance of Proviso (ii) to Sub-Section 7 of Section 31 of the Regulation of Generation, Transmission and Distribution of Electric Power Act, 1997 (XL of 1997), NEPRA said that it notifies complete Decision of the Authority in the matter of Requests filed by XWDISCOs for Periodic Adjustment in Tariff for the 3rd quarter of FY 2023-24 already intimated to the Ministry of Energy (Power Division) on May 31, 2024.
Accordingly, the Authority has decided to allow the instant positive quarterly adjustments of Rs.46,613 million pertaining to the 3rd quarter of the FY 2023 24, in a period of three months i.e. June 2024 to August 2024.

Out of the total burden of Rs 46.613 billion, Rs 28.515 billion will be charged on account of capacity charges, whereas Rs 10.284 billion will be recovered on account of less FCA impact of T&D losses, Rs 5.309 billion O&M, and Rs 2.541 billion Use of System Charges.NEPRA Approves KE’s Power Acquisition Program 2024-2028

According to the NEPRA notification, the consumers will be charged at the rate of Rs.1.90/unit, Rs.0.9262/unit & Rs.0.9262/unit for the months of June, July, and August 2024 respectively, to be applicable to all consumers categories, except lifeline consumers of XWDISCOs and K-Electric.

While effecting the Decision, the concerned entities including Central Power Purchasing Agency Guarantee Limited (CPPAGL), XWDISCOs, and K. Electric shall keep in view and strictly comply with the orders of the courts notwithstanding this decision.

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